Heterogeneous Chemical Processes in the Astronomical Environment
15th June - 17th June 2009
Department of Chemistry, University College London
This is the next meeting in the successful AstroSurf series and incorporates the inaugural meeting of Working Group 2 of ESF COST Action CM0805 The Chemical Cosmos. Working group 2 is dedicated to the study of 'Heterogeneous Chemistry' with the following aims;
To understand the formation of dust in the interstellar medium.
To understand the formation of simple molecules on model dust grain surfaces.
To understand the physical processes that result when an icy grain mantle is heated or irradiated with light, electrons or ions.
To understand the synthetic chemical processes that result when an icy grain mantle is heated or irradiated with light, electrons or ions.
To understand the role of these processes on observations of grains, ices and the molecules formed by the intermediary of grains and their icy mantles in the evolving Universe.
The conference will be held in the Chemistry Lecture Theatre of the Department of Chemistry at University College London from lunchtime on the 15th June to lunchtime on the 17th June. Registration will take place from 11 am in the Chemistry Department foyer on the 15th of June.
Invited plenary speakers are:
Robin Garrod, Cornell University, USA
Maria-Elisabetta Palumbo, Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica, Catania, Italy
Interstellar Chemistry Driven by Energetic Processing
Helen Fraser, University of Strathclyde, UK
Ices in Star Forming Regions - The Ultimate Spectroscopic Tracer of Interstellar Chemistry
Stefan Andersson, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway
Thermal and Photoinduced Processes at Interstellar Ices: A Computational Chemist's View
Registration for this event is now closed.
Officially recognised members of the COST working group are entitled to claim travel and accomodation of €120 per day as per COST action rules. Students can apply for a bursary of up to £100 to attend the meeting upon application with a letter of recommendation from their supervisor. There is no registration fee to attend this conference.
UCL is located at the very centre of London and is well served by transport links from all over the UK and abroad.
Unfortunately we cannot organise accommodation for this conference, however there are many hotels around UCL.
This page last modified
12 June, 2009
by John Edridge
University College London
Department of Chemistry
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)20 7679 1003
F: +44 (0)20 7679 7463