Research Support Fund...

All members of the EPSRC funded network in surface science applications in laboratory astrophysics, AstroSurf, are eligible to apply for funding towards developing collaborative research under the umbrella of the network remit. The funding will provide travel expenses and a limited amount of accommodation and subsistence for such visits. It will not provide any contributions towards the costs of such research or any fees or salary costs etc. incurred in such collaboration.

Applications should be made on the form attached. The completed form should then be sent by email to Prof. Martin McCoustra or Dr. Wendy Brown who will circulate it to the co-ordinators of the network for their consideration. A decision should be reached within two or three weeks. Once notified of the award, successful applicants will have six months in which to complete their visit. On completion of the visit, applicants will be required to provide a report (no more than 1000 words) detailing the outcomes of the visit and its relevance to the remit of AstroSurf.

Existing grants on collaborations supported by AstroSurf will be posted on this website.