Raman References
Authors Published Papers on Archaeometric Analysis by Raman Microscopy
Abstracts of the publications may be obtained by clicking on the title. |
- R. J. H. Clark and P. J. Gibbs, Analysis of 16th Century Qazwini Manuscripts by Raman Microscopy and Remote Laser Raman Microscopy , Journal of Archaeological Science , in press.
- R. J. H. Clark and P. J. Gibbs, Raman Microscopy of a 13th Century Illuminated Text , Analytical Chemistry , 70, 99A-104A (1998).
- I. M. Bell, R. J. H. Clark and P. J. Gibbs, Raman Spectroscopic Library of Natural and Synthetic Pigments (pre- ~1850 AD) , Spectrochimica Acta A , 53A, 2159-2179 (1997).
- R. J. H. Clark and P. J. Gibbs, Identification of Lead(II) Sulfide and Pararealgar on a 13th Century Manuscript by Raman Microscopy , Chemical Communications , 1003-1004 (1997).
- R. J. H. Clark and P. J. Gibbs, A Non-destructive, In Situ Study of Ancient Egyptian Faience by Raman Microscopy , Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 28 99-103 (1997).
- R. J. H. Clark, P. J. Gibbs, K. R. Seddon, N. M. Brovenko and Y. A. Petrosyan, The Non-destructive, In Situ Identification of Cinnabar on Ancient Chinese Manuscripts , Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 28 91-94 (1997).
- R.J.H Clark, M.L Curri and C. Laganara, Raman Microscopy: The Identification of Lapis Lazuli on Medieval Pottery Fragments from the South of Italy , Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 53 597-603 (1997).
- L. Burgio, D.A. Ciomartan and R.J.H Clark, Raman Microscopy Study of the Pigments on Three Illuminated Mediaeval Latin Manuscripts , Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 28 79-84 (1997).
- R.J.H Clark, L. Curri, G.S. Henshaw and C. Laganara, Characterization of Brown-Black and Blue Pigments in Glazed Pottery Fragments from Castel Fiorentino (Foggia, Italy) by Raman Microscopy, X-Ray Powder Diffractometry and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy , Journal of Raman Spectroscopy , 28 105-110 (1997).
- L. Burgio, D.A. Ciomartan and R.J.H Clark, Pigment Identification on Medieval Manuscripts, Paintings and other Artefacts by Raman Microscopy: Applications to the Study of Three German Manuscripts , Journal of Molecular Structure , 405 1-11 (1997).
- D.A Ciomartan and R.J.H. Clark, Raman microscopy applied to the analysis of the pigments used in two Persian manuscripts , Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 7 395-402 (1996).
- R.J.H Clark, L.Cridland, B.M. Kariuki, K.D.M. Harris and R. Withnall, Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Raman-Spectroscopy of The Inorganic Pigments Lead-Tin Yellow Type-I and Type-II and Lead Antimonate Yellow - Their Identification on Medieval Paintings and Manuscripts , Journal of the Chemical Society-Dalton Transactions , 2577-2582 (1995).
- R.J.H Clark, Raman Microscopy - Application to The Identification of Pigments on Medieval Manuscripts , Chemical Society Reviews , 24 187-196 (1995).
- S.P. Best, R.J.H. Clark, M.A.M. Daniels and R. Withnall, Nondestructive Pigment Analysis of Artifacts by Raman Microscopy , Endeavour , 16 66-73(1992).

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Raman Literature References to Pigments
Ref. No. |
Pigment |
Reference |
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1 |
lazurite |
R.J.H. Clark and T.J. Dines, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 78 (1982) 723. |

2 |
lazurite |
R.J.H. Clark and M.L. Franks, Chem. Phys. Lett., 34 (1975) 69. |

3 |
lazurite |
R.J.H. Clark and D.G. Cobbold, Inorg. Chem., 17 (1978) 3169. |

4 |
lazurite |
R.J.H. Clark, T.J. Dines and M. Kurmoo, Inorg. Chem., 22 (1983) 2766. |

5 |
chromium(III) oxide |
J. Zuo, C. Xu, B. Hou, C. Wang, Y. Xie and Y. Qian, J. Raman Spectrosc., 27 (1996) 921. |

6 |
malachite |
M. Schmidt and H.D. Lutz, Phys. Chem. Minerals, 20 (1993) 27. |

7 |
litharge, lead white, massicot and red lead |
D.A. Ciomartan, R.J.H. Clark, L.J. McDonald and M. Odlyha, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. (1996) 3639. |

8 |
realgar |
R. Forneris, Am. Mineral., 54 (1969) 1062. |

9 |
realgar, pararealgar and orpiment |
K. Trentelman, L. Stodulski and M. Pavlosky, Anal. Chem., 8 (1996) 1755. |

10 |
realgar, pararealgar and orpiment |
R.J.H. Clark and P.J. Gibbs, Chem. Commun. (1997) 1003. R.J.H. Clark and P.J. Gibbs, Anal. Chem. 70 (1998) 99A. |

11 |
vermilion |
R. Zallen, G. Lucovsky, W. Taylor, A. Pinczuk and E. Burstein, Phys. Rev. B, 1 (1970) 4058. |

12 |
vermilion |
M.J. Peters, L.E. McNeil and K. Dy, Solid State Comm., 97 (1996) 1095. |

13 |
barytes |
L. Couture, Ann. Phys. 2 (1947) 5. |

14 |
chalk (aragonite D) |
R. Frech, E.C. Wang and J.B. Bates, Spectrochim. Acta, 36A (1980) 915. |

15 |
chalk (calcite) |
S.P.S Porto, J.A. Giodomaine and T.C. Damen, Phys. Rev., 147 (1966) 608. |

16 |
gypsum |
N. Krishnamurthy and V. Soots, Can. J. Phys., 49 (1971) 885. |

17 |
lead tin yellow types I & II |
R.J.H. Clark, L. Cridland, B.M. Kariuki, K.D.M. Harris and R. Withnall, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton (1995) 2577. |

18 |
orpiment |
C. Razzetti and P.P. Lottici, Solid State Commun., 29 (1979) 361. |

This page last modified
9 August, 2010