Previous Events...

Young Researchers Meeting organized by RSC Astrophysical Chemistry Group and Astrosurf network, UCL, 21st September 2006. Programme and presentations available here.

The 19th UCL Astronomy Colloquium, on Astrobiology was held at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, from Monday 10th to Thursday 13th July 2006.

Chemical Evolution of the Universe - Faraday Discussion 133. Between April 24th and 26th, 2006, at Abbaye de St Jacut de la Mer, Brittany, France.

The Astrophysical Chemistry Group of the RSC & RAS organised the meeting entitled "The Chemistry of Planets and Where they Come From", at the Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th January 2006. Bursaries were awarded to a selection of students, their reports available here.