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History - The Chemical History of UCL

Alexander Williamson's Pelicans

We thought at the turn of the century, we should take this opportunity of a retrospective look at the history of the Department over its 172 years of existence.

We thought that, at the turn of the century, we should take this opportunity of a retrospective look at the history of the Department over its 172 years of existence.

The following pages are based on the Millennial Lecture given by Prof. Alwyn Davies FRS before the Lab Dinner 2000 and should be read in conjunction with our Periodic Table of the Lecturers . You can navigate these pages either by using the red arrows previous item or next item . We apologize for the quality of some of the images. We hope to improve them with time.

We welcome contributions, suggestions, additional photos etc. Send them by email to the WebMaster or post them to The Archivist, Dept of Chemistry, UCL, 20 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJ.

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This page last modified 20 September, 2010

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