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History - Ramsay Medal Winners - 2000

The Ramsay medal has been awarded annually since 1923 to the top postgraduate student or students studying in their final year in the UCL Department of Chemistry.

The Ramsay Medal for 2000 was awarded to jointly to Mr Dickon Champion (Bramwell) and Mr Adam Farebrother (Clary). Professor David Williams, Head of Department awarded the medals at a Gala Wine and Cheese party held in the Nyholm Room.

Ramsay Medal Winner 2000 Adam Farebrother

Adam Farebrother receiving his medal.

Ramsay Medal Winner 2000 Dickon Champion

Dickon Champion receiving his medal.

Ramsay Medal Winners 2000

Prof Sally Price (Postgraduate Tutor), Adam Farebrother, Dickon Champion and Prof Williams (Head of Department) in the Nyholm room.

This page last modified 20 September, 2010

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